
Tuesday 30 August 2016

If I was asked to compete in a tandem cycling event and I had to choose one person to compete with... I will choose my league Mate Harrison,O he has had a training on his bmx bike for cycling. He is one of my best friends.I rillie on him 100%.He sometimes hearts me but I still think he is a good friend.

Monday 29 August 2016

The ceremony has just started and all of the Olympic athletes are parading around the stadium in their uniforms when all of a sudden… it gets darker and darker then i was scared the I couldn't hear my dad yelling but I couldn't hear him.The old man and the old lady were yelling " turn on the lights""turn on the lights".But the light would not turn on the it went silent everybody waited. After a few minutes the lights flicked straight back on. Then everybody cheered when the light came back on.Then they stopped and just watched. They were so quit I could here my dad loud and clear.then every one was Tired.people fell a sleep because it was a big night. Then everyone clap for there country. I was tired then I went in my car for a sleep.Then we went home.

Opening ceremonies speech

I would choose John Key to speak at the opening ceremony for the 2024 Olympics because he is not afraid to speak in front of thousands people.
Image result for john key

new Zealand Olympic uniform

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\2008 Beijing Olympics uniform.jpg
I like it because they all have the same uniform.

This one came second because I like how the boys are wearing shorts and the girls are wearing skirts 

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\2012 NZ Uniform.jpg

This is my last because I didn't like the patterns on the dresses because it was not m type of pattern.

Friday 12 August 2016

Image result for Valerie Adams
It will be Valerie Adams´ fourth Olympic games. She has been the number one shot putter  in the world since 2006.
She was born in 1984 in Rotorua She is
193cm tall and she is 31 years old.
She has won 1 silver five gold.

Thursday 11 August 2016

rounding and compensating

This is my working out for rounding and compensating.
I made it on explain everything.

rounding and compensating

This is my working out for rounding and compensating.